Developing Problem Solving in EYFS/KS1

Developing Problem Solving in EYFS/KS1

We can create webinars or face-to-face sessions that look at the range of problem types that children need to able to tackle within the primary curriculum. We would examine the range of skills needed to solve each type of problem and how to teach these skills to...
Developing Problem Solving in EYFS/KS1

Developing Problem Solving in KS2

We can create webinars or face-to-face sessions that look at the range of problem types that children need to able to tackle within the primary curriculum. We would examine the range of skills needed to solve each type of problem and how to teach these skills to...
Developing Problem Solving in EYFS/KS1

Developing Reasoning in KS2

We can create webinars or face-to-face sessions that provide strategies to teach children to reason about their mathematics. We would look at a range of appropriate reasoning questions at a mastery and greater depth level and consider how we could ensure that children...