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We are a consultancy team who inspire, support and challenge primary schools

We empower teachers to feel confident, excited and equipped to deliver an ambitious and effective mathematics curriculum.

“Maths is a strength at Acresfield and this has a lot to do with the high quality professional development provided by First4Maths. Our children have made rapid progress, our staff have grown in confidence and our school has been able to move forward significantly.”

Mike Dixon, Headteacher, Acresfield Primary School

Training and Support

Training Events 2023/2024

View our training events running for the 2023/2024 Academic Year.

School Support

Book a personalised package of support for your school or Multi Academy Trust.

“Very impressed with the way this course was delivered: I think I actually prefer it on this online platform!  Very informative, great guidance and has really enabled me to reflect on my current teaching practice. Taken a lot from this, both in terms of my delivery and also the practical resources/websites that I can access to deepen the conceptual understanding of my Y6 pupils.”

Year 6 Place Value Planning