School Support

We will work with you to develop a personalised package of support for your school.

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We will look at the opportunity to enhance this further by working alongside other schools in your area, cluster or Multi Academy Trust. To ensure the package is customised to your needs, we offer a free consultation with your Senior Leadership Team. Through effective communication and a flexible approach, we will adapt the package if necessary to meet the changing needs of your school.

Examples of in-person support

  • Development of an effective mathematics curriculum
  • Planning units of work – achieving mastery and greater depth
  • Team teaching
  • Lesson Study
  • Developing effective interventions and use of teaching assistants
  • Staff meetings
  • Using the bar model to support and deepen understanding
  • Guided Reasoning – reasoning at mastery and greater depth
  • Progression in calculation
  • Challenging all children
  • Creative mathematics
  • Cross-curricular mathematics
  • Assessment for Learning
  • Outdoor mathematics

Cluster/Trust Support

The topics above can be delivered to groups of schools which can enable training to be tailored to specific year groups e.g. Developing Reasoning in Year 3. In addition, we can create programmes of support bespoke to your cluster e.g. moderation, assessment, effective subject leadership.

How much does it cost?

In-school Support

£550 + VAT

Full Day

£325 + VAT

Half Day

INSET Training

1 school up to 15 delegates

£800 + VAT

Full Day

£450 + VAT

Half Day

2 schools up to 20 delegates

£1000 + VAT

Full Day

£600 + VAT

Half Day

3 school up to 25 delegates

£1350 + VAT

Full Day

£750 + VAT

Half Day

Additional delegates charged at £50 for a Full day or £30 for a Half day

In person Staff Meetings – 1 ½ hours

£350 + VAT

1 school up to 15 delegates

£450 + VAT

2 schools up to 20 delegates

£550 + VAT

3 schools up to 25 delegates

Virtual Staff Meetings – 1 hour

£250 + VAT

1 school up to 15 delegates

£350 + VAT

2 schools up to 20 delegates

£450 + VAT

3 schools up to 25 delegates

Twilights – 2 hours

£400 + VAT

1 school up to 15 delegates

£500 + VAT

2 schools up to 20 delegates

£600 + VAT

3 schools up to 25 delegates

Parents’ Evenings

£350 + VAT

Up to 40 parents. Additional parents charged at £10

Travel to schools within Cheshire East, Cheshire West, Halton, Warrington and Stoke on Trent is included in the above costs. Schools outside this area will be charged 45p per mile for journeys over 50 miles.

“First4Maths have worked with the school for 18 months.  Toni and the team have supported the teachers in analysing strengths and weaknesses in their classes, and have helped them to plan next steps for all children.  The impact of this has been huge – staff are much more confident in delivering well structured, appropriately challenging lessons for all learners.  Over time, the impact has been twofold.  Firstly we have seen a real rise in standards, both through work scrutiny and through end of year assessments.  Secondly, teachers have become much more confident in planning and delivering the content of the curriculum, which has had a big impact on staff morale and well being.  Toni has also supported our Maths leads in scrutinising books, coaching staff and analysing and planning areas for development in the school.  First4Maths consultants have always been friendly and supportive for all staff, establishing a professional yet friendly rapport quickly.  I cannot recommend their support highly enough.”

Matt Boot – Headteacher, Wincham Community Primary School

Need more information?

We are able to offer all support packages virtually via Zoom. Please get in touch or book a call to find out more.